A new adventure. Having returned to Chicago after two months playing Scrooge in A CHRISTMAS CAROL in Arkansas, I will spend three weeks painting in Florida – a few days’ travel to Y’bor City outside of Tampa for couple of days of painting. Then to Anna Maria for a week. Joining me, a contingent of the family in Indiana: my mother, and brother, Denny, with his wife, Patty; and a Chicago contingent: my partner, Diann, and her dad, Dino, with his companion, Laurie. We will be visiting Diann’s sister and brother-in-law, Dina and Todd, and their two sweet girls, Zoey and Gracie.
For Scrooge, I had grown my sideburns fairly successfully that they might actually earn the status of “chops.” The night the production closed, I trimmed them up inch and a half. Diann said to me in Chicago at dinner after my return, well, a tad 1880’s now. So I trimmed them exactly half and inch upward. Proud to say I now have reached 1972. Well done.
For Scrooge, I had grown my sideburns fairly successfully that they might actually earn the status of “chops.” The night the production closed, I trimmed them up inch and a half. Diann said to me in Chicago at dinner after my return, well, a tad 1880’s now. So I trimmed them exactly half and inch upward. Proud to say I now have reached 1972. Well done.